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Addressee: General Assembly

Paragraph #41Session #5 (2006)

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The Permanent Forum expresses its appreciation to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) for its training programme established to enhance the conflict prevention and peacebuilding capacities of indigenous peoples’ representatives, which has provided outstanding training for 270 indigenous representatives since 2000, and recommends that this important programme be supported henceforth through the regular budget of the United Nations.


The Government of Switzerland states: “The enhancement of conflict prevention and peacebuilding capacities of indigenous peoples is extremely important to the understanding and prevention of localized conflicts. However, training on its own is often not enough. Communities should be supported to create indicators against which they can regularly monitor and report on local situations; they should also be able to draw attention to situations that risk spiralling out of control. An amended recommendation in that sense would be supported by Switzerland.” As UNITAR to date has received no funding from the regular budget of the United Nations and must raise all of the funding for its programmes and staff from Governments and foundations, this recommendation aimed at ensuring the continuation of this much-requested capacity-building programme is most welcome. UNITAR looks forward to providing any additional required information related to the realization of this recommendation. A detailed description of the programme is provided in the document E/C.19/2007/3/Add.5

Final Report of UNPFII Session 5 (2006)