The Permanent Forum highly appreciates the initiatives undertaken by IFAD to highlight the need to give a high profile to indigenous issues within the organization and globally by nominating an Assistant President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues. The Permanent Forum recommends that IFAD ensure that the gains made so far are sustained in the future and urges other organizations and international financial institutions to follow the Fund’s example by assigning a person in a senior management position to coordinate indigenous issues within their organization.
IFAD reports that based on the gains made so far under the leadership of the Assistant President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues, the Fund has made the necessary arrangements to maintain its high profile and commitment to indigenous issues. The work related to indigenous peoples is being mainstreamed in a functional unit incorporated in the Policy Division. A Coordinator for Indigenous and Tribal Issues has been recruited to support day-to-day activities and the newly established Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility. In addition, an interdepartmental Policy Reference Group on Indigenous Issues has been set up under the leadership of the two Assistant Presidents of the External Affairs and the Programme Management Departments.