The Permanent Forum encourages ILO to promote the ratification of the Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, 1989 (No. 169) (Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention).
- Guided by the 2015 ILO strategy for action concerning indigenous and tribal peoples (available at, the ILO continues to promote the
ratification and effective implementation of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) and is providing related support including facilitating dialogue among ILO constituents and with representative organizations of
indigenous and tribal peoples; supporting preliminary assessments; and capacity building for establishing a legal, policy and institutional framework suitable for the Convention’s application.
- Documenting and sharing existing experiences with Convention No. 169 is a key strategy for building capacity for its better application in countries that have ratified the Convention and for promoting and supporting efforts towards ratification in others. See, for example, ILO, Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples - Experiences from Norway, 10 November 2016, available at:…
- In November 2017, the ILO organized a Regional Forum on Convention No. 169 during which ILO constituents and indigenous peoples’ representatives expressed their views and priorities with regard to needed support for promoting and
strengthening the application of Convention No. 169 in Latin America (see:…). The outcomes will inform the ILO interventions in the region in 2018-19.
- In October 2016, the Governing Body, in the context of the ILO Standard Review Mechanism, approved Office follow-up with member States for which the Indigenous and Tribal Population Convention, 1957 (No. 107) is in force,
encouraging them to ratify Convention No. 169, as the most up-to-date ILO instrument in this subject area, and collecting information with the aim of better understanding the reasons for their non-ratification of the later.