The Inter-Agency Support Group was chaired by UNICEF in 2005 which hosted the annual meeting through its Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama City from 19-21 September 2005. Fondo Indigena participated as a new member of the IASG for the first time in the meeting, and the Commonwealth Secretariat joined in February 2006, thus bringing the total number of the Support Group to 29.
Some important recommendations of the meeting included: (a) building capacity within United Nations country teams on indigenous issues; (b) appointing focal points on indigenous issues in order that an inter-agency group might be formed at the regional level; (c) establishing an inter-agency readers' group for the review of draft common country assessment/ UNDAF documents; (d) requesting the UN Development Group to distribute the report of the Support Group to regional directors of UN organizations in other regions with a view to initiating similar processes; and (e) creating inter-agency thematic groups on indigenous issues within UN country teams to follow up once a year on the recommendations of the Forum.