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Addressee: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Paragraph #99Session #20 (2021)

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The Permanent Forum welcomes the establishment of the Network of the Centers of Distinction on Indigenous and Local Knowledge under the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The Network, which comprises indigenous leaders, experts, professionals and advocates of indigenous and local knowledge, serves to promote the integrity and value of the knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities in science and policy. In addition, the Forum notes the aspects relevant to indigenous peoples that the Platform has rolled out until 2030 in its work programme and, in that regard, seeks to further its collaboration with the Platform in its own future work. The Forum invites the Platform and the Network to continue to inform the Forum about the progress of their work, including at the Forum’s twenty-first session.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 20 (2021)

Area of Work

Methods of Work