The Forum recommends that ILO, with the participation of interested parties, including indigenous peoples' organizations (the United Nations system, the International Finance Corporation, the European Bank for Rural Development) conduct a workshop on capacity-building for the sustainable development of indigenous communities to ensure that the Millennium Development Goals and targets are implemented in a timely and appropriate manner for indigenous peoples
Currently, ILO is engaging in a number of needs-identification and capacity building activities that can help contribute to the capacity building concerning the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that is suggested in the Forum's recommendation. Examples of needs-identification in this regard including: an analysis of 14 national poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs) for their ethnic content; three country studies on participation of indigenous and tribal peoples in the development and implementation of national PRSPs and indigenous perceptions of poverty; in-depth national consultations on PRSPs and decent work in Nepal; and five micro-case studies on achieving the MDGs in selected indigenous communities in Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Guatemala and Nepal. This research deepens understanding of the capacity-building needs to be addressed and outlines strategies and priorities for working towards the inclusion of indigenous issues in MDG processes.
ILO is engaged in medium and long-term capacity building at the international, national and local levels with UN and other multilateral agencies, governments and indigenous peoples' organizations. At the national level examples include: at national, provincial and community levels in Cambodia a project on the rights-based approach to indigenous peoples' development; work at the national level in Kenya with a number of indigenous organizations; and in Nepal with the National Federation of Indigenous Nationalities and the Nepali government.
ILO continues to organize capacity building between UN agencies, NGOs, and the multilateral donor community, including activities such as: a technical seminar on development cooperation and indigenous and tribal peoples in October 2005; and a training seminar for key staff from the ILO, UN agencies and donors in Turin to build upon the tools and competencies to address indigenous sustainable development issues. ILO training activities will expand and the technical seminar will be held again in October 2006. Please see E/C.19/2006/6 for more details.