UNDP - (b) UNDP supported two members of its Civil Society Organizations Advisory Committee in undertaking the production of a series of case studies documenting the role of indigenous peoples in preventing and resolving conflict. The subsequent publication, Beyond the Silencing of the Guns, was launched at the Barcelona Forum in September 2004. UNDP's country office in Bolivia is also undertaking studies in demography and poverty monitoring that looks at how to collect data on indigenous peoples to monitor poverty inequalities at national, provincial and municipal levels. In Nicaragua, UNDP is working together with the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on an initiative at collecting and disaggregating data on indigenous populations.
UNICEF - Currently in Colobmia, UNICEF, together with partners including UNHCR, provided aid for 5 indigenous communities displaced from the Opogado river (1480 persons), acommpanied and provided emergency aid for 22 families repatriated from Panama, supported displaced people from 9 communities of the two municipalities of San Luis and San Francisco in eastern Antioquia, and in this last region is working for children's integral care with a locally formed team in Aquitania community.
WHO - WHO recognizes the importance of the collection and use of disaggregated data by ethnicity for the purpose of implementing the Millennium Development Goals. The WHO teams on health equity and human rights are jointly developing a process for data analysis to provide means for discerning health disparities across ethnic groups. The main objective is to analyse disparities in health on the basis of ethnic/indigenous affiliation. The research will determine whether health outcomes are unequally distributed across ethnic groups; which factors linked to ethnic groups explain the unequal distribution; and which factors play an important role explaining health problems within disadvantaged ethnic groups.
UNIFEM - c) UNIFEM has a fully implemented programme which addresses the effects of conflict on women affected by conflict in Colombia and on the Northern border. The Peace and Security programme has worked extensively to highlight the distinct effects that conflict has on women from different ethnic groups and backgrounds which necessarily assesses the impact upon indigenous women.