Pursuant to article 38 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Permanent Forum reiterates its invitation to States to provide the Permanent Forum with substantive information on the implementation
of the Declaration and an assessment of the effectiveness of the Declaration at the national and local levels.
Finland reports (2010): Finland continues to actively promote the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the UN and in bilateral relations as well as to support the work of the UN bodies dealing with issues concerning indigenous peoples.
Finland was actively involved in the negotiations on the Declaration, which continued for 25 years, and worked consistently for a compromise that would be satisfactory to all parties and allow the adoption of the Declaration. The Sámi Parliament was actively involved in the negotiation process at both national and international level.
Domestically, the objective of the Government is to increase awareness of the Declaration among such bodies as different public authorities, the Parliament and independent supervisory mechanisms as soon as the national language versions become available.