The Government of Mexico reports:4. To encourage the participation and activities of civil society organizations, the
Forum on Gender and Sustainable Development in Mexico was held. At the Forum;a network of agencies was proposed to work jointly on rural, indigenous, urban and
natural issues and thereby to promote the exchange of experience and proposals between the social sector and the government sector; 5. One of the priority research areas for CDI is traditional knowledge, natural resources and the environment; hence it supported in 2008 the study “Climate
change and indigenous peoples: documentation and analysis of the problem”, in order to examine the topic on the national and international levels and to document strategies for adaptation and mitigation. In 2009, a study is planned on community strategies and traditional practices used by indigenous peoples to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
The Government of Tanzania reports: 6. The Environmental Management Act, inter alia, provides for the protection, conservation and preservation of the environment. The Act also provides protection of wetlands, the conservation of biodiversity, the measure of change, etc. Furthermore, it calls for public participation in decision-making issues concerning the environment. Under the Act, an obligation is imposed developers of projects to undertake an environmental impact assessment.
The Government of Colombia reports on two projects under the Clean Development Mechanisms that have to do with indigenous communities. The report of Colombia also highlights the role of indigenous territories (resguardos) and national parks in mitigating climate change by preserving forests. This is especially the case in the Amazon Region and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.