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Addressee: Member States and UN system

Paragraph #15Session #4 (2005)

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Member States, the United Nations system, bodies and funds should consider the definitions of extreme poverty by indigenous peoples and in this regard should refer to the report of the independent expert on human rights and extreme poverty (E/CN.4/2005/49). Poverty indicators based on indigenous peoples' own perception of their situation and experiences should be developed, jointly with indigenous peoples.


The Government of Switzerland reports the following in its report (E/C.19/2006/4/Add.1) to the fifth session: This paragraph contains positive and progressive suggestions. ILO: The ILO has undertaken three case studies on indigenous participation in poverty reduction processes in Cambodia, Cameroon and Nepal in consultation with indigenous peoples. The studies have raised important concerns about indigenous peoples' perceptions of poverty. For more details please see (E/C.19/2006/6) The International Fund for Agricultural Development has made an institutional grant to the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to undertake three regional consultations in Africa, Asia and Latin America for the developing of indicators of poverty and well-being based upon indigenous peoples' own principles, concepts and practices of development. These meetings are intended to come up with a set of global and regional indicators that capture issues of language, culture, values and worldviews. A global synthesis will be prepared and presented to the Sixth session of the Permanent Forum. Please see (E/C.19/2006/8) The Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG) undertook a stock-taking exercise of existing indicators within the UN system which addressed indigenous peoples. The review has been submitted as an addendum to the report of the IASG for the fifth session of the Permanent Forum for further discussion. (E/C.19/2006/3/Add.1)

Final Report of UNPFII Session 4 (2005)