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Addressee: Member States, International Institutions, international and national donor agencies, private philanthropic institutions

Paragraph #41Session #20 (2021)

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The Permanent Forum calls on Member States and international institutions to engage in full cooperation with indigenous peoples in their COVID-19 recovery efforts. The Forum further recommends that all available means of assistance, including financial support by international and national donor agencies and private philanthropic institutions, be allocated to initiatives led by indigenous peoples towards the achievement of the Goals.


SRSG: The Special Representative has advocated with Member States to include in their COVID-19 recovery plans provision for the additional barriers to the enjoyment of by indigenous and other vulnerable children of their rights, including those related to their physical, mental and spiritual health.

The Special Representative is consistently advocating with Member States for a paradigm shift in favour of children – a shift that treats spending on integrated social services and social protection for children and their caregivers as investments that are vital for an inclusive, resilient and sustainable post-COVID recovery and ensure adequate funding for prevention and response to violence against children is integrated into the budgets of the health (including mental health), education, child protection and social welfare, justice, and inclusive social protection systems.

FILAC: Participated in HL week on SDGs of HLPF 2021: "Integration of COVID-19 Recovery Planning, Building Resilience and Strengthening Policy Coherence towards the SDGs"; "One year on - How Indigenous Peoples are adapting to SDG implementation in times of COVID, challenges and opportunities"

UNHABITAT: UN-Habitat organised the event “Homelessness, SDG 1 and Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19: Poverty left behind” --> aimed to raise awareness about the need for strengthened disaggregated data collection methodologies on homelessness as preconditions for successfully reporting on progresses made on SDGs and on specific groups (including indigenous peoples)

project “Social inequality and the future of workers in Latin America in the context of post-pandemic recovery” (with Ford Foundation) incl. a regional study on indigenous peoples and labor market, including traditional activities and own organizational models, considering opportunities and challenges for the COVID-19 response and recovery policies under the change in the development paradigm.

Side event “Towards an inclusive and sustainable recovery of COVID-19: rights, needs and contributions of the indigenous peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean”

supported governments in ensuring the continuation of health services to indigenous communities; working with Ministries of Education to address the limited access to the internet while schools were close; development of resources to explain and speak about COVID-19

Final Report of UNPFII Session 20 (2021)

Area of Work

Methods of Work