States, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academia and the media should promote national dialogues and collaboration, including through the establishment of policy and institutional frameworks, as appropriate, in order to bring together indigenous peoples' perspectives, technical knowledge and priorities for sustainable human development and their expectations regarding the Millennium Development Goals. Indigenous peoples' institutions and processes, where they exist, should be respected during these dialogues
The Government of Switzerland reports the following in its report (E/C.19/2006/4/Add.1) to the fifth session:
This paragraph is consistent with good practices and a gender perspective could be highlighted in the last sentence by stating that " Women's participation in these dialogues should be promoted".
The HURIST program is a joint program of UNDP and OHCHR aimed at integrating human rights in development by building the capacity of UN country offices, preparing methodologies and toolkits on human rights and disseminating good practices. In 2002 HURIST incorporated an indigenous peoples' component aimed at enabling implementaiton of the UNDP policy of engagement with indigenous peoples and to create a mechanism for dialogue at the national level to ensure participation of indigenous peoples. In 2004 HURIST launched two pilot projects in Ecuador (March) and Kenya (June). Support is currently being given to phase two of HURIST Ecuador. Phase two includes the goal of strengthening existing dialogue mechanisms at the national level, and creating new ones that focus on the implementation of human rights through the establishement of a National Indigenous Peoples Forum. Based on the success of the HURIST program thus far, the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (Spain) is providing support to the second phase of the Ecuador project and to two additional projects in Guatemala and Bolivia. Activities will take place during 2006. UNDP's Regional Program in Southeast Asia has commissioned a report looking into obstacles and barriers to greater inclusion of indigenous peoples in the MDGs and will continue to closely monitor the national policy frameworks for achieving the goals to review inclusion or marginalization of indigenous peoples. Please see E/C.19/2006/6/Add.6 for more details.