The Forum recommends that Member States, United Nations bodies and mechanisms, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other parts of the United Nations system strengthen the machinery to address the urgent, gross and ongoing human rights violations, militarization of indigenous lands and systemic violence committed by Member States against indigenous peoples.
OHCHR reports that this issue was discussed at the 24th session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, whose main theme was the “Utilization of indigenous peoples’ lands by non-indigenous authorities, groups or individuals for military purposes”. Part of the session was devoted to discussing the effects on women and children in armed conflicts. OHCHR prepared a document for this meeting (E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2006/2). The report on the session is contained in document A/HRC/Sub.1/58/22. The Government of Switzerland considers this recommendation positive and important (E/C.19/2006/4/Add.1) WGIP: The issue of the militarizatoin of indigenous peoples' lands was raised by indigenous representatives at the last session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations held from 18 to 22 July 2005. The Working Group decided that the main item of its next session in 2006 would be the "Utilization of indigenous peoples' lands by non-indigenous authorities, groups or individuals for military purposes".