The Government of Argentina reports the following in response to paragraph 21: The participation of indigenous communities in decision-making is currently the cornerstone and priority of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs (INAI).. To this end INAI is developing and consolidating mechanisms for the effective participation of indigenous peoples in elaboration, decision-making, implementation and monitoring with regard to public policies. Under Act No. 23,302 a Coordinating Council composed of indigenous representatives and representatives of the various ministries has been established, and it is incorporated into the institutional strucure of INAI. Furthermore the Council on Indigenous Participation was established by INAI Resolution 152 of 6 August 2004 and amendment No. 301/04. In order to comply with the wealth of legislation, in particular the constitutional requirement to "recognize community possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy", the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs (INAI) implements land regularization and allocation programs and signs agreements with provincial governments in this regard. To date INAI has signed agreements with the provinces of Rio Negro, Chubut and Jujuy. Please see report for more details. Please see Argetina's report E/C.19/2006/4 to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for more details. UNESCO's actions in the field of development are focused towards advocacy, research, capacity building, policy formulation and implementation. The aim is to assist Member States in designing rights-based and culturally appropriate poverty eradication policies founded upon participatory and inclusive processes at national and local levels. UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) initiative is one of twent thematically cross-cutting projects contributing to the UNESCO program for the "Eradication of Poverty". Please see E/C.19/2006/6/Add.9.