Addressee: Member States, United Nations agencies and other intergovernmental organizations and bilateral donors

Paragraph #164Session #9 (2010)

Full Text

The Permanent Forum recommends that States, United Nations agencies and other intergovernmental organizations and bilateral donors support the promotion and full and effective participation of indigenous women in decision-making spheres at all levels, including in administration and civil service, government action, government bodies, political parties, the judiciary and trade unions and that leadership and training processes be considered as pillars for such participation.


The Government of Spain reports (2011): El Gobierno de España quiere destacar la iniciativa “Trabajando contra la discriminación étnica/ racial y de género. Programa para el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las mujeres indígenas latinoamericanas” de UNIFEM, que se ha ejecutado en Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá y Perú durante el bienio 2009-2010 con una financiación de 1.200.000 euros.

For further information, see

Final Report of UNPFII Session 9 (2010)

Area of Work

Indigenous Women