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Addressee: OHCHR

Paragraph #49Session #3 (2004)

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The Forum takes note of the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples following his latest visits to Chile, Colombia and Mexico. The Forum calls upon the Office of the High Commissioner to elaborate technical cooperation programmes to assist in the implementation of the recommendations.


OHCHR reports that its regional and local offices have taken significant steps to follow up the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur, in particular the implementation of an important project in Guatemala and Mexico. The report of the Special Rapporteur contained in A/HRC/4/32/Add.4 offers extensive information on the activities regarding best practices carried out to implement the recommendations contained in the annual reports of the Special Rapporteur.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 3 (2004)

Area of Work

Human rights