The Permanent Forum invites the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food and the Special Rapporteur on the right to development to attend the eighth session of the Forum.
The Permanent Forum appreciates that Canada, Mexico and the United States expressed their support for the enhanced participation of indigenous peoples in the United Nations system and urges them to work with other Member States in supporting a more robust consultation process, with the aim of creating a new status for indigenous peoples at the United Nations.
The Permanent Forum takes note of the UNDP Global Programme for Electoral Cycle Support initiative, with its focus on indigenous women and youth in Latin America, and appreciates the contributions provided by donors to ensure the success of the initiative. The Forum recommends that Member States, UN-Women and UNICEF provide financial support for this important initiative for indigenous women and youth.
Request the Commission on Human Rights to support the request that the Special Rapporteur on violence against women conduct a workshop/study on violence against indigenous women in coordination with the Permanent Forum and to report on progress at the sixth session of the Permanent Forum
The Permanent Forum welcomes the invitation extended by the Maskwacis Cree and the Confederacy of Treaty Six Chiefs to the members and the secretariat to attend the United Nations Expert Seminar on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous peoples at the Samson Cree Nation from 25 to 27 September 2006. This is a historic first United Nations expert meeting to be held on indigenous treaty territory.
The Permanent Forum urges the Economic and Social Council to decide that the report of the twelfth session should be presented to it by the Chair, or a designate thereof, of the Forum.
The gaps and challenges facing IFAD in terms of its commitment to indigenous peoples’ issues include the mainstreaming of the new institutional policy on engaging with indigenous peoples at all levels of the organization globally, regionally and nationally. The Permanent Forum recommends that institutional mechanisms be established so as to secure the process of mainstreaming within the agency.
The Forum recommends that executive heads of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes that have not yet done so adopt policies on indigenous peoples and designate focal points for addressing indigenous issues relevant to each respective agency’s mandate in order to facilitate the mainstreaming of indigenous issues within the United Nations system.
The Permanent Forum recommends that United Nations entities establish programmes and working groups to facilitate the recruitment of indigenous professionals. United Nations entities are invited to report on the advancement of such recruitment endeavours at future sessions of the Permanent Forum.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the efforts of the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change in addressing terminology related to Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The Forum urges Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to uphold the principles established during the twenty-third session of the Conference of the Parties in the upcoming review of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform at the twenty - ninth session, ensuring equal status and financial support for Indigenous Peoples within the Platform at all levels. The Forum supports the establishment of a separate platform for Indigenous Peoples.