With financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Indigenous consultants have been hired to work on the design and implementation of IFAD's operations co-funded by the ASAP+, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Kenya: Eldoret-Iten Water Funds for Tropical Water Towers Conservation – co-funded by GEF. An indigenous consultant was hired to conduct consultations and develop the IPs Plan.
Mexico: Proyecto de Desarrollo Regional y Bienestar de la Cuenca Balsas – co-funded by GCF. Two consultants (a Mexican indigenous woman and an international indigenous consultant from Belize) were hired to support the project design, including through consultation meetings with IPs' communities/representatives. Also in progress is the development of an IPs Plan.
Regional programme: Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism – co-funded by GCF. An indigenous consultant was hired to develop a thematic paper on “Rural Finance and Indigenous Peoples in climate investments”.
WFP’s Latin American and Caribbean regional bureau launched a pilot Indigenous peoples fellowship initiative implemented by FILAC. The objective of the fellowship is to provide an analysis of barriers Indigenous people face in accessing employment in WFP and recommendations to enable the hiring of Indigenous talent to ensure more inclusivity and diversity.