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Addressee: UNDP

Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 10 (2011)
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The Permanent Forum notes the progress achieved by the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the implementation of a programme on electoral processes with a focus on indigenous women and youth. However, the Permanent Forum is concerned about the Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development in Asia and the Pacific, a programme that has critically contributed to promoting indigenous peoples’ issues and rights in the region. The Permanent Forum urges UNDP to maintain and strengthen this important programme.

Area of Work: Cooperation

Addressee: UNESCO, IFAD

Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) establish an institutional partnership with indigenous peoples so that they can fully participate in the monitoring and other mechanisms of UNESCO conventions and IFAD projects and programmes that are relevant to indigenous peoples. The Permanent Forum further recommends that UNESCO establish an advisory group of indigenous experts to provide advice.

Area of Work: Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 4 (2005)
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Governments, the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations should develop programs, in cooperation with indigenous peoples, to build the capacity and awareness of their staff to better understand and address indigenous issues

Area of Work: Cooperation, MDGs
Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum encourages resident coordinators and United Nations country teams to ensure the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, including indigenous women and youth, in the preparation of the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks and country programme action plans.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development

Addressee: Member States,

Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 12 (2013)
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Education in the mother tongue and bilingual education, foremost in primary and secondary schools, lead to effective and long-term successful educational outcomes. The Permanent Forum urges States to fund and implement the Programme of Action for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, specifically in the following education-related objective. The Forum underlines the need for States to respect and promote indigenous peoples’ definitions of learning and education, founded on the values and priorities of the relevant indigenous peoples. The right to education is independent of State borders and should be expressed by indigenous peoples’ right to freely traverse borders, as supported by articles 9 and 36 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Area of Work: Education

Addressee: Member States,

Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 7 (2008)
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The principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity, social justice and sustainable development and development with identity should remain the key principles underpinning the negotiations, policies and programmes on climate change. The human rights-based approach to development and the ecosystem approach should guide the design and implementation of local, national, regional and global climate policies and projects. The crucial role of indigenous women and indigenous youth in developing mitigation and adaptation measures should also be ensured.

Area of Work: Environment

Addressee: GEF

Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum applauds the good work of the nomadic herders project on enhancing the resilience of pastoral ecosystems and livelihoods, led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/GRID-Arendal and the Association of World Reindeer Herders. The Permanent Forum recommends that the Global Environment Facility Council approve the project as a good example of a transboundary project by and for indigenous peoples.

Area of Work: Environment, Culture
Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 12 (2013)
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To draw more attention to diabetes and other non communicable diseases, the Permanent Forum recommends that WHO, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Governments develop action plans to improve access by indigenous peoples living with diabetes to health prevention and care of diabetes and
non-communicable diseases. The Forum urges States to establish or reinforce community-based health programmes that empower and educate indigenous women and children to prevent and overcome diabetes and non communicable diseases.

Area of Work: Health

Addressee: UN System

Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 13 (2014)
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Considering their impact on the sexual health and reproductive rights of indigenous peoples, the Permanent Forum calls, in paragraph 62 of the report, for “a legal review of United Nations chemical conventions, in particular the Rotterdam Convention, to ensure that they are in conformity with international human rights standards, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”.

Area of Work: Health, Environment
Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the announcement by New Zealand to endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the announcement by the United States of America that it will review its position on the Declaration. It also welcomes the indication by Canada in the 2010 Speech from the Throne that it will take steps to endorse the Declaration. The Forum recommends that the United States and Canada expedite their commitments made to endorse the Declaration

Area of Work: Human rights
Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the recommendation to establish a voluntary international mechanism to receive and consider communications from indigenous peoples specifically concerning their claims to, or violations of, their rights to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. This recommendation deserves further elaboration by indigenous peoples and others concerned. The Forum takes note of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples in this regard.

Area of Work: Human rights
Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 20 (2021)
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The Permanent Forum recognizes the importance of the signing of the Final Agreement for Ending the Conflict and Building a Stable and Lasting Peace in Colombia. The Permanent Forum urges Colombia to promote and guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples, in particular by achieving the goals and indicators set out in the “ethnic chapter” of the peace agreement. The Permanent Forum urges the Special Jurisdiction for Peace of Colombia to prioritize the conduct of a high-profile investigation to highlight the violations of the collective rights of indigenous peoples that occurred during the armed conflict and to identify the patterns and perpetrators of this violence.

Area of Work: Human rights