The Permanent Forum welcomes the growing interest in participation in the Forum’s sessions among Africa’s indigenous peoples’ representatives, States, the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, and academic institutions working in Africa. The Forum requests that the United Nations system and other donors scale up their support for the participation of indigenous peoples of Africa in the Forum’s annual sessions.
The Permanent Forum urges Governments and donors to support community-based monitoring and information systems, citizen science and the democratization of information technologies, as complementary to national and global statistical and information systems, and to prioritize capacity-building and funding and for such initiatives.
The Permanent Forum recommends, in paragraph 64 of the report, that the relevant United Nations entities should “conduct a study, in partnership with indigenous peoples’ organizations, that documents the linkage between environmental violence, including the operations of extractive industries, chemical pollution and the destruction of the indigenous habitat, and the sexual and reproductive health of indigenous peoples, as well as issues pertaining to sexual exploitation, trafficking of indigenous girls and sexual violence, with concrete recommendations on protection measures”.
Furthermore, the Permanent Forum urges those States that have abstained to reverse their positions and endorse the Declaration so as to achieve full consensus.
The Permanent Forum recommends to ILO and its Governing Body that a technical expert meeting be organized to consider the drafting of a recommendation to supplement the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention.
The Permanent Forum urges African States, in coordination with the African Union, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, to support/organize two regional conferences/seminars in Africa, one for French-speaking States and the other for English-speaking States, to enhance the capacity of indigenous organizations to engage in dialogues with Governments at the country level and to promote an improved understanding of indigenous issues, including through the teaching of indigenous languages at schools with the special adaptation of education to the way of life of nomadic peoples; recognizing and sustaining indigenous knowledge systems and partnerships between States and indigenous peoples on the protection of conservation areas; and inter-agency consultation on poverty reduction strategies and on designing a regional strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the effort of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to establish a regional human rights mechanism and offers its expertise and cooperation in this matter. The Forum recommends that the mechanism be called the “ASEAN Human Rights Commission” and that the commission explicitly recognize indigenous peoples in its terms of reference. We look forward to a strong commission with full investigatory and implementation powers, which uses the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as its framework in dealing with indigenous peoples’ issues. The Forum also recommends that the commission establish a committee on indigenous peoples in addition to its proposed committees on migrant workers and women and children.
The Permanent Forum urges all agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system to incorporate the recognition of the collective rights of indigenous peoples to lands, territories and resources into their policies and programmes at the country level and to report to the Forum on progress made at its eighteenth session.
The Forum invites the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, within the purview of his mandate, to pay special attention to and make recommendations concerning the rights of indigenous children.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Envoy of the Secretary-General on Youth, in cooperation with indigenous young people, urgently address self-harm and suicide among indigenous young people and invites him to inform the Forum on progress in that regard at its fifteenth session.
The United Nations Children's Fund should initiate country-specific situation analyses of indigenous youth and children through field offices in countries with indigenous communities and transmit such situation analyses to the Forum
The Permanent Forum expresses concern for the state of the world’s indigenous languages. It is estimated that there are between 6,000 and 7,000 oral languages in the world today, most of them spoken by very few individuals. The Forum recommends the adoption of a rights-based approach towards indigenous language issues that considers the full spectrum of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Declaration. The Forum also recommends that Member States, the United Nations system, indigenous peoples’ organizations and other stakeholders share initiatives and strategies undertaken for, with and by indigenous peoples in order to recover, use and revitalize indigenous languages, including through the use of information and communication technologies.