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Addressee: African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Commission of the African Union, UN System

Paragraph #108Session #5 (2006)

Full Text

The Permanent Forum urges African States, in coordination with the African Union, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, to support/organize two regional conferences/seminars in Africa, one for French-speaking States and the other for English-speaking States, to enhance the capacity of indigenous organizations to engage in dialogues with Governments at the country level and to promote an improved understanding of indigenous issues, including through the teaching of indigenous languages at schools with the special adaptation of education to the way of life of nomadic peoples; recognizing and sustaining indigenous knowledge systems and partnerships between States and indigenous peoples on the protection of conservation areas; and inter-agency consultation on poverty reduction strategies and on designing a regional strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.


OHCHR is preparing a plan of action, which will be coordinated by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa. Consultations with African organizations are planned for the first half of 2007 as well as activities to promote dialogue between indigenous representatives and States with respect to the declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. Additional information will be provided at the seventh session of the Permanent Forum. ILO: The Project to Promote ILO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples has been undertaking a number of activities in the African region that respond directly to this recommendation. These activities include elements of longer-term projects or processes with specific objectives, outputs and results. A detailed description of these activities is provided in the document E/C.19/2007/3/Add.11.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 5 (2006)

Area of Work

Human rights