The Permanent Forum urges States, United Nations agencies and indigenous peoples’ organizations to collaborate with UN-Habitat and other United Nations agencies in their development of policy guidelines for local authorities on urban indigenous issues.
In order to mark the expected adoption of the plan of action for the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People by the General Assembly at its sixtieth session, the Permanent Forum decides to organize a special day of discussion on a Program of Action during its fifth session, in 2006, and invites the Coordinator of the Decade and the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to initiate the awareness-raising campaign of the Second International Decade
The Permanent Forum encourages Member States to ensure a stronger presence and stronger participation during all meetings organized by the Permanent Forum and the Secretariat.
The Permanent Forum reiterates that it has urged all United Nations entities and States parties to treaties concerning the environment, biodiversity and climate change to eliminate the use of the term “local communities” in conjunction with Indigenous Peoples, and to distinguish between the terms, in ongoing processes, policies and new international agreements at all levels.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the Paris Roadmap for Tracking of Funds, which sets out collaborative and coordinated action to address the systemic funding gaps for Indigenous Peoples. In this regard, the Forum reiterates the recommendation of its twenty-second session to Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to facilitate the tracking of funds in its statistical system by establishing relevant indicators, and invites the Development Assistance Committee to present on progress in this regard at the twenty-fourth session of the Forum in 2025.