The Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Forum have organized a special day of discussion on a Program of Action during the fifth session and the Coordinator of the Decade has initiated an awareness-raising campaign through mailings to delegations, foundations, and others, as well as active appeals for partnerships to realize the goal of the Decade.
DPI: The Department of Public Information has worked closely with SPFII to produce a full color poster for the Second Decade, based on work by an indigenous artist, which will promote the Decade and is scheduled to be printed in time for the fifth session. Officers from the Department are consulting with the secretariat and indigenous musicians for a full-scale live musice performance. The Department has also designed and printed a multi-colored brochure with a distinctive typeface that informs indigenous houth about the Forum and the new (Second) Decade and provides contact points for their involvement. Following past practice, the Department is designing and will distribute a press kit to support promotion of this year's session of the Forum and to organize press conferences or other media events as appropriate. United Nations information centers in countries with significant indigenous populations will be asked to undertake supportive outreach campaigns. If additional resources were provided for such efforts, more promotional activities could be undertaken, both at Headquarters and the field.