The Permanent Forum welcomes the invitation from the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, the public chamber of the Russian Federation and the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (RAIPON) to hold an international meeting in the city of Salekhard, from 1 to 4 July 2007, dedicated to the study of experiences of interaction between indigenous peoples and the private sector, and expresses its appreciation for this invitation. The Permanent Forum also calls upon other States to follow the example of the Russian Federation.
The Permanent Forum also recommends that States, United Nations organizations and indigenous peoples’ organizations strengthen the necessary communication, education and information infrastructure and support networks of educators on indigenous issues. Information and communication technologies (ICT) for indigenous peoples must be supported in order to close the technological and information gap.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the announcement during this session of the Conservation Initiative on Human Rights by eight global conservation organizations — the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund, Fauna and Flora International, Wetlands International, BirdLife International, the Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and Conservation International — which aims to promote the integration of human rights in conservation policy and practice, based on their common interest in promoting positive links between conservation and rights of people to secure their livelihoods, enjoy healthy and productive environments and live with dignity. The Forum recommends that these conservation organizations ensure the full participation of indigenous peoples in the implementation of the Initiative. The Forum further recommends that conservation organizations that have projects that have led to the eviction of indigenous peoples from their forests provide redress and restitution to such victims.
The Permanent Forum reiterates its calls to Member States and international organizations to include Indigenous Peoples actively in policymaking forums and development agendas. This inclusion should extend to negotiations and management forums under multilateral environment agreements and other relevant platforms and processes focusing on issues affecting Indigenous Peoples and where their voices and knowledge guarantee significant contributions and outcomes for global sustainable development and the health of global ecosystems.