The Permanent Forum calls on all States that have not yet done so to implement the 2005 Kyoto Protocol, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other international initiatives that address climate change and biocultural diversity in conjunction with indigenous peoples, including indigenous women, in a full and effective way. The Annex I countries should implement their commitments to the Kyoto Protocol by doing all they can to shift their economic systems towards low-carbon systems, instead of relying mainly on the purchase of emission credits to offset their emissions. The fast-industrializing developing countries should also undertake serious efforts to cut their emissions and develop low-carbon energy systems.
The Permanent Forum recommends that donors and United Nations agencies give more support to indigenous peoples in Africa, where appropriate, to promote, recognize, protect and enhance indigenous traditional knowledge.
The Permanent Forum calls upon Member States to put in place specific plans for improving the health of Indigenous Peoples, including the sexual and reproductive health of Indigenous women, with particular attention to the health of Indigenous two-spirit persons, children and nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples, as well as Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation, in initial contact, in remote areas and in other vulnerable situations. The Permanent Forum also recommends that States provide adequate funding to Indigenous Peoples to support and ensure access to Indigenous health care, education and mental health and well-being resources.