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Addressee: Donor agencies, UN system/UN agencies

Paragraph #33Session #7 (2008)

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The Permanent Forum recommends that donors and United Nations agencies give more support to indigenous peoples in Africa, where appropriate, to promote, recognize, protect and enhance indigenous traditional knowledge.


ILO reports: 4.4.1 Collaboration with the African Commission A total of 24 desk studies as well as 7 in-depths studies based on country visits have been finalised, to document the situation of indigenous peoples Africa. The research has been undertaken in collaboration with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the University of Pretoria. The research will constitute the first ever attempt to do a comprehensive overview of the situation of African indigenous peoples. An overview report of the status and trends in the legal protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in Africa will be published in the first half of 2009, and discussed at regional workshops. A database of legislation is in progress and will soon be available online
4.4.6. Technical Assistance in Southern Africa A programme aimed at dialogue and technical assistance with the aim of improving participatory development for indigenous San communities has been initiated, with Spanish funds.

UNESCO reports on a recently completed a project engaging indigenous communities from Niger, Kenya and the Central African Republic in a dialogue on the ways in which their cultural heritage and traditional knowledge can be applied to education for a sustainable future, within the framework of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).

UNDP reports on relevant initiatives in Burundi, Kenya and Namibia.

SCBD reports: New recommendations arising from both the 7th session (2008) and the 8th session (2009) of the UNPFII made to the Convention will be considered at the 6th meeting of the Working Group on Article 8(j) and related provisions, when it meets in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2-6 November, 2009 and then forwarded to the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties for final endorsement and action (October 2010, Nagoya, Japan). However, it is important to note that some of the recommendations arising from the report of the UNPFII at its 7th session (refer document E/2008/43) are already in the process of being addressed and/or may be related to previous recommendations and current processes. The Secretariat therefore takes this opportunity for a quick update on new recommendations.
The Secretariat in partnership with the German Government through GTZ is pursuing an ABS capacity building strategy in the African region and indigenous and local community representatives are regularly included in these workshops.

The secretariat, in partnership with the Government of Germany through the German Agency for Technical Cooperation, is pursuing an access and benefit-sharing capacity-building strategy in the African region, and indigenous and local communities representatives are regularly included in these workshops and in regional capacity-building workshops on protected areas.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 7 (2008)