The Forum recommends to States and the United Nations system the implementation of projects of agriculture, fishing, forestry, and arts and crafts production to diversify productive activities and family income sources and to contribute to reducing, according to their own will, the levels of internal and external migration of indigenous peoples, and to providing capacity-building in those areas, by:
(a) Promoting the knowledge, application and dissemination of appropriate technologies and indigenous peoples’ local products with certificates of origin to activate product activities, as well as the use, management and conservation of natural resources;
(b) Strengthening the capacities and potential of local human resources to train agricultural, fishery and forestry promoters that respond efficiently to the necessities of the families beneficiaries;
(c) Strengthening the institutional and entrepreneurial capacity of organizations of indigenous peoples to design operative and effective strategies so as to achieve sustainable development for the indigenous peoples of the world.
The Forum recommends that the Committee on the Rights of the Child, as the treaty monitoring body for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, review the compliance of States Parties with article 24, which recognized the basic right of all children to "the provision of adequate and nutritional foods and clean drinking water, taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution", with particular attention to its impact on traditional subsistence foods, and that the Committee address those issues during the day of general discussion on the indigenous child in September 2003.