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Addressee: Artic States

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 8 (2009)
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The Permanent Forum urges all Arctic States to endorse and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Area of Work: Human rights

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum calls upon all those Members States which have not yet done so to consider without delay ratifying the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and International Labour Organization Convention No. 169

Area of Work: Human rights

Addressee: OHCHR

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that OHCHR pursue its efforts to encourage increased use of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by national human rights institutions.

Area of Work: Human rights

Addressee: OHCHR

Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 17 (2018)
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The Permanent Forum requests the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, with the support of the secretariat of the Forum, to expand and strengthen the United Nations response to reprisals and threats faced by indigenous human rights and environmental defenders by enhancing high-level engagement on reprisals, ensuring appropriate action on urgent cases when reprisals occur.

Area of Work: Human Rights Defenders

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 10 (2011)
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The Permanent Forum requests that UNICEF operationalize and implement its strategic framework on indigenous and minority children and report to the Forum in 2012 on measures undertaken to that end.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth, Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum urges the United Nations funds, agencies and programmes and multilateral cooperation entities, including UNIFEM, to adopt policies and strengthen existing funds for financing and supporting indigenous women’s participation, strengthening their own participation and social development options in all initiatives that promote their cultural identities.

Area of Work: Indigenous Women

Addressee: UNFCCC

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum continues to raise region-specific concerns about the adverse impact of climate change on indigenous communities (see E/2011/43-E/C.19/2011/14, para. 30) and invites the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to prepare a study on the impact of climate change on indigenous women, for submission to the Forum at its eighteenth session.

Area of Work: Indigenous Women

Addressee: CEDAW

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 18 (2019)
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The Permanent Forum reiterates its invitation to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to adopt a general recommendation on indigenous women by 2020, in accordance with the Declaration and other international instruments. The Forum recommends that the general recommendation on indigenous women consider issues related to the individual and collective rights to equality, non-discrimination and self-determination; social and economic rights, including the rights to decent work and to land, territory and resources; the right to water and food; cultural rights; civil and political rights; and the right to live free of any form of violence.

Area of Work: Indigenous Women and Girls, Methods of Work

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 4 (2005)
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UNICEF is invited to report to the Forum at its fifth session on the result of the "25 by 2005" initiative on maximizing indigenous girls' education programs

Area of Work: MDGs

Addressee: Nordic States

Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 13 (2014)
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The Permanent Forum acknowledges the continuing negotiations between the Nordic States and the Sami peoples towards the adoption of a Nordic Sami convention. The Forum recommends that the minimum international human rights standards contained in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples be the framework for all negotiations concerning the convention and the harmonizing of Sami rights within Nordic countries. It urges Nordic States to recognize and respect the Sami peoples’ right to self-determination, to determine their own identity or membership of their institutions in accordance with their customs and their right not to be subjected to forced assimilation, consistent with articles 8 and 33 of the Declaration, the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (see CERD/C/FIN/CO/19, para. 13).

Area of Work: Methods of Work, Human Rights

Addressee: Bangladesh

Paragraph Number: 53
Session: 21 (2022)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the work of the Government of Bangladesh with United Nations country offices to support peace in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The Permanent Forum further welcomes the ongoing study on the status of implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord of 1997 and invites the Government of Bangladesh, with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, to report on the results of the study at the twenty-second session of the Permanent Forum, setting a timeframe for its full implementation. The Permanent Forum also calls upon the Government of Bangladesh to continue to address all forms of violence, including enforced disappearances, and sexual violence against women in the Chittagong Hill Tracts committed by law enforcement agencies.

Area of Work: Human rights, Indigenous Women and Girls, Conflict Prevention and Peace

Addressee: Guatemala

Paragraph Number: 63
Session: 21 (2022)
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The Permanent Forum notes that the Constitutional Court of Guatemala issued ruling No. 2112-2016 of 24 October 2017 on indigenous peoples’ intellectual collective property. The Permanent Forum urges Guatemala to comply with the ruling and to adopt laws and policies, respecting the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development, Intellectual property