The Permanent Forum welcomes the dialogues to support indigenous peoples’ preparations for the United Nations Food Systems Summit. The Forum requests Member States and the secretariat of the Summit to guarantee the participation of indigenous peoples at the Summit with a view to ensuring due reflection of indigenous peoples’ rights and issues in the relevant outcome documents.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the launch of online courses on the rights of indigenous peoples offered by Columbia University, OHCHR, Tribal Link Foundation, UNDP and Universidad Indígena Intercultural, and recommends that academic, indigenous and other organizations and the United Nations system seek ways to provide access to these courses for indigenous peoples living in remote areas without Internet or digital devices. Special efforts should be made to make such courses available in various languages, including indigenous languages, and to make them accessible to indigenous young people. The Forum also recommends incorporating more indigenous knowledge into universities, in consultation with the indigenous owners of the knowledge, with the design of online course content that addresses specific local and national indigenous issues in different countries, and increasing the participation and voices of indigenous peoples in online courses.
The Forum recommends that Member States review their constitutions with respect to the recognition of the existence and rights of indigenous peoples, with the effective participation of indigenous peoples
The Forum recommends that States include independent indigenous experts in national human rights commissions