The Permanent Forum welcomes resolution 176 EX/59 of the UNESCO Executive Council relating to indigenous languages and encourages member States, experts and UNESCO to conduct a preliminary study on the technical and judicial aspects of a possible international normative instrument for the protection of indigenous languages and languages under threat of extinction, including an analysis of the programmes UNESCO has carried out in this area, articulating linkages with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as adopted by the Human Rights Council in June 2006, to be submitted to the Executive Council of UNESCO at its 179th session.
The Forum recommends that States and United Nations organizations involve indigenous peoples' representatives in designing, implementing and monitoring data collection and disaggregation by ensuring their membership in the mechanism of national commissions on population censuses and related institutional arrangements.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators provide support for the inclusion and methodological development of core indicators for indigenous peoples in the global indicator framework, in particular the inclusion of the indicator on the legal recognition of the land rights of indigenous peoples for the targets under Goals 1 and 2.
The Forum recommends that UNDP continue its work on supporting local-level initiatives, such as the equator initiative, the community water initiative, the community-based initiative and the assisting communities together project.
The Permanent Forum is profoundly concerned about the report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education regarding the extensive child-labour practices in many States involving indigenous children, which represents a grave violation of their human rights, including their right to education. The Forum urges States to consider their obligations in this regard according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ILO Conventions No. 138 (Minimum Age Convention) and No. 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention).
The goals of the Forum in this area are the promotion of cooperation, the exchange of information and the development of partnerships, as well as to improve coordination by facilitating regular contacts and reports. The Forum intends to address and report on this theme on an annual basis. The Forum, reaffirming its recommendations on health made at its first and second reports, in the spirit of the theme of its third session (Indigenous women), recommends that all relevant United Nations entities, especially WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA, as well as regional health organizations and Governments:
(a)Fully incorporate the principle that health is a fundamental human right in all health policies and programmes, and foster rights-based approaches to health, including treaty rights, the right to culturally acceptable and appropriate services and indigenous women’s reproductive rights, and stop programmes of forced sterilization and abortion, which can constitute ethnic genocide;
(b)Further develop and disseminate information about innovative strategies in health services to indigenous women, informed by indigenous concepts and understanding of health, wellness, healing, illness, disease, sexuality and birthing so as to ensure universal and accessible health-care services for indigenous women and girl children, and make available adequate financial and technical support for comprehensive, community-based, primary health services and health education, incorporating traditional indigenous components;
(c)Train and employ qualified indigenous women to design, administer and manage their own health-care programmes;
(d) Set up monitoring mechanisms for indigenous communities to report abuses and neglect with the health system to national health authorities, and put in place the legal framework to effectively address these issues;
(e) Encourage States to include and accredit traditional, indigenous health practitioners (physicians), including traditional birth attendants (midwives), and integrate them into state health-care systems, and give full recognition to the medicinal knowledge and medicines of these indigenous practitioners;
(f) Augment HIV/AIDS programmes by providing educational materials in indigenous languages and by using specially trained indigenous HIV/AIDS health workers to conduct outreach services and home care to indigenous communities, including voluntary testing for HIV/AIDS;
(g) Ensure that indigenous peoples, especially women, have access to all information relating to their medical treatment and to secure their prior informed consent to medical treatment;
(h) Provide appropriate health services and protection services, including safe houses, to displaced refugee and migrant women and women and girl children victimized by trafficking for prostitution;
(i) Implement the recommendations of the international consultation on health of indigenous peoples, held in Geneva at WHO in 1999, with special emphasis on the recommendations concerning the health of women and girls and the role of women in health care, indigenous knowledge and service provisions;
(j)Develop, in conjunction with indigenous women health providers, programmes to inform and sensitize indigenous women and men about cultural practices which have negative impacts on health, including female genital mutilation, child marriages and violence against women and the girl child in the domestic context, in order to encourage them to take precautions and safeguard the health and well being of the indigenous family;
(k)Ensure that the treatment of diseases is balanced by the promotion of health through the support of physical activity, sports and physical education in order to address escalating health concerns through prevention.
The Forum recommends that the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme urge States to ratify the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and adopt the recommendations of the Conference of the Parties relating to its implementation.
The Permanent Forum recognizes the cultural significance and medical importance of the coca leaf in the Andean and other indigenous regions of South America. It also notes that coca leaf chewing is specifically banned by the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961). The Permanent Forum recommends that those portions of the Convention regarding coca leaf chewing that are inconsistent with the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain their traditional health and cultural practices, as recognized in articles 11, 24 and 31 of the Declaration, be amended and/or repealed.
The Forum welcomes and supports the decision of the Commission on Human Rights as contained in paragraph 11 of its resolution 2003/56 of 24 April 2003 to hold a seminar on the administration of justice.
As a result of the dialogue between the expert members of the Permanent Forum and Member States, the Forum recommends that all Member States:
(a) Prepare, for the Forum at its sixteenth session, reports on the implementation of the United Nations Declaration in their countries, with a focus on progress and outstanding issues, in particular in relation to legislative measures;
(b) In recognition of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration, organize activities to commemorate the adoption at various levels, from local to national, including to raise public awareness of the Declaration and the progress achieved.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism pay particular attention to the impact of national security laws and anti-terrorism laws on indigenous peoples.
The Durban Review Conference welcomed the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which should be used to combat racism against indigenous peoples. The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues decides to have a half-day session on the theme of “Addressing the elimination of racism against indigenous peoples”. This session will be held during the 2011 meeting of the Permanent Forum.