The Permanent Forum recommends that a task force be created within the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues to specifically address migration issues of indigenous peoples, as suggested in the 2006 Geneva workshop on this matter (E/C.19/2007/CRP.5).
The Permanent Forum strongly supports the position expressed in the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference that States should take all necessary measures to implement the rights of indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum recommends to the Human Rights Council that, in the course of a universal periodic review, the situation of indigenous peoples of a country under consideration also be examined.
The Permanent Forum urges States that have been recommended by the universal periodic review to ratify the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), to do so
The Forum notes that in order for it and the United Nations system to review the situation of indigenous children and youth, there is a need for country-specific situation analyses. Given UNICEF’s unique and long experience and expertise in that area, the Forum invites UNICEF to initiate such situation analyses on indigenous children by field offices in countries with indigenous communities. The Forum also invites UNICEF to transmit such situation analyses to the Forum.
The Forum encourages all United Nations entities to mainstream indigenous gender issues and to integrate the special needs and concerns of indigenous women into their programmes and policies by taking the following steps:
a. Compiling and integrating disaggregated data (both qualitative and quantitative in nature and taking into account local and regional cultural/social/ economic differences) on indigenous women’s issues in their own annual reports. The Forum commends those who have already begun to address this issue of lack of relevant data;
b. Integrating indigenous experts on indigenous women’s issues in their programming staff;
c. Appointing indigenous focal points on indigenous women’s issues within wider gender portfolios;
d. Planning special events centred on the theme "Indigenous men" and integrating that theme in their documentation and outreach activities (web site, reports etc.);
e. Increasing outreach to indigenous women’s organizations worldwide;
f. Increasing the outreach and information flow to and from the academic community, including indigenous educational institutions, on indigenous women’s issues.
The Permanent Forum commends States for recognizing the collective rights of indigenous peoples to lands, territories and resources and at the same time urges them to take immediate steps for the implementation of those rights through programmes for mapping, titling or other actions and legislative reforms. The Forum urges States to report to it by its twentieth session on steps taken in that regard.
The Permanent Forum urges developed countries to adopt national processes to implement the Goals with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples within those countries.
The Permanent Forum encourages the African Governments and the intergovernmental agencies to intensify dialogue among themselves under the supervision of the African Union, more precisely within the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, with special emphasis on poverty eradication based on the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum recalls General Assembly resolution 66/296 and recommends that the President of the sixty-eighth session of the Assembly organize an informal interactive hearing, back-to-back with, but separate from, the thirteenth session of the Forum. This will ensure that those representatives of indigenous peoples who are attending the Forum are also able to participate in the informal interactive hearing without the need to return to New York at a later date and incur further travel and other related expenditures.
Businesses, in their human rights due diligence processes, should meaningfully engage with indigenous peoples as rights holders in business decisions and outcomes affecting them. In that regard, free, prior and informed consent should be understood as their right to give or withhold consent.
The Permanent Forum reiterates its recommendation made at its eighteenth session for the Pan American Health Organization to prepare a study on the advancements in indigenous maternal health, including with the participation of indigenous midwives (E/2019/43, para. 45). The Permanent Forum also recommends that WHO prepare similar studies in other regions.