The Forum calls for the dissemination and full implementation of the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur's reports on the relationships of indigenous peoples and land rights, and on permanent sovereignty of indigenous peoples over their natural resources and invites the Special Rapporteur, through the Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, to present an updated report at the next session of the Forum
In its decision 2005/289 the Economic and Social Council endorsed the Commission on Human Right's recommendation to authorize the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights to convene an expert seminar to give further attention to and to discuss in detail the many political, legal, economic, social and cultural aspects relating to the study on indigenous people's permanent sovereignty over natural resources prepared by Ms. Erica-Irene Daes of the Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. OHCHR organized the seminar in Geneva from 25 to 27 January 2006 with the participatioin of 11 indigenous experts, two non indigenous experts, 24 governmental representatives and 28 non-governmental organizations. The seminar addressed two recommendations to the Permanent Forum, namely to consider devoting its sixth session to the question of lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples, taking into account the results of the present seminar, previous relevant UN seminars and studies, and to further strengthen capacity-building and awareness-raising programs and activities, including nationally and regionally, in cooperation with indigenous peoples. A full summary of the conclusions and recommendations are attached to the report of OHCHR to the fifth session of the Permanent Forum. The Government of Mexico states the following in its report to the Fifth session (E/C.19/2006/4/Add.3): The National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have met with staff of the Office of the UN High Commisioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur to design a joint project to follow up the recommendations he made to Mexico in 2003. On 7 February 2006, the project, entitled "Promotion and protection of the human rights of indigenous peoples in Latin America, with special emphasis on Guatemala and Mexico", was introduced. One of the main objectives of this project is to follow up on those recommendations