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Addressee: Statistics Division, SPFII

Paragraph #96Session #5 (2006)

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Recalling the Workshop on Data Collection and Disaggregation for Indigenous Peoples (see E/C.19/2004/2 for the report of the Workshop), the Permanent Forum welcomes the ongoing collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division in reviewing national practices in data collection and dissemination in the areas of ethnicity, language and religion. In the light of this work, as well as of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme, the Permanent Forum reiterates its support to the Statistics Division as expressed in the report of the Permanent Forum on its fourth session and its recommendations contained in paragraphs 80 and 81of that report.


(a) The Statistics Division collects data on national ethnic groups, languages and religions through a regular demographic and social statistics collection system. The main sources of data are national population censuses. As countries conduct population censuses throughout the 2010 census decade (2005-2014), the Division will collect more data on national ethnic groups, languages and religions. (b) The Division maintains a website (
sconcerns/popchar/default.htm) dedicated to ethnocultural characteristics. It provides a link to the website of the SPFII, as well as to reports and data relevant to indigenous people. (c) Data on national ethnic groups, languages and religions of individual countries are disseminated through a dedicated website ( and will be updated regularly to incorporate new data received from countries. (d) Revision of principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses: Guidelines for data collection on indigenous peoples have been drafted as part of the second revision of the principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses. The draft recommendations will be presented to the Statistical Commission for approval at its thirty-eighth session (27 February-1 March 2007). The final adopted principles and recommendations will be disseminated worldwide. A draft of the revised version can be viewed at:
A technical report on national ethnic groups, languages and religions, containing an analysis of trends in data collection and dissemination as well as country practices covering the years from 1946 to 2004, with a focus on the 2000 census round (1995-2004), has been prepared and is posted on the website of the Division (…). The report includes a special section on enumeration of indigenous peoples.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 5 (2006)