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Addressee: UN agencies, UNEP, WHO, UNICEF and UN-HABITAT

Paragraph #79Session #2 (2003)

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The Forum recommends that the United Nations agencies supporting and promoting the Healthy Environments for Children Alliance, namely WHO, UNICEF, UNEP and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT), include a particular focus on indigenous children and youth.


UNEP is currently undertaking a revision of previous work undertaken in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on children’s environmental health issues. The 2002 publication Children in the New Millennium: Environmental Impact on Health is currently being reviewed and updated in order to mainstream indigenous children’s health in various chapters. The book as a whole deals with different environmental threats to child health. It aims to reflect the most current research and examples, and is written in the form of basic, practical messages for the country and community levels. It is modelled on the acclaimed UNICEF “Facts for life” publications. The focus of the publication is translating knowledge that has been gained into implementation/capacity-building at the country level — taking advantage of the
blend of normative and operational strengths that the UNEP-UNICEF-WHO partnership offers.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 2 (2003)

Area of Work
