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Addressee: UN Millennium Campaign office

Paragraph #98Session #4 (2005)

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The Millennium Campaign should raise awareness about the Millennium Development Goals and indigenous peoples, providing space for indigenous youth to express their views and share experiences related to Millennium Development Goals issues, enable young indigenous people to interact with their national leaders, and facilitate networking between youth groups to crystallise new projects. The campaigns should include several elements including school-based outreach, national conferences, local workshops, media activities, including phone-in radio programs and televised debates, essay and expression contests and service days


The Government of Mexico states the following in its report to the fifth session (E/C.19/2006/4/Add.3):

A number of actions were taken to strengthen the development of intercultural education for all. In basic education, the Intercultural Bilingual Education Program in the Federal District and the State Intercultural Bilingual Education Program were designed and work began on a project for schools serving indigenous children in seven states: Chiapas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, and Yucatan. Please see report for further details.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 4 (2005)