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Addressee: UN system/UN agencies, churches, NGOs, private sector

Paragraph #143Session #7 (2008)

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The Permanent Forum, in accordance with article 26 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the right to the lands, territories and resources that the indigenous peoples have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired), requests States, United Nations agencies, churches, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to fully respect the property rights of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the Amazon and the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco.


The Governement of Bolivia refers to art. 31 of the National Constitution: I. The individual and collective ways of life of indigenous and aboriginal nations and peoples in danger of extinction, in voluntary isolation and out of contact shall be protected and respected. II. Indigenous nations and peoples living in isolation and out of contact shall enjoy the right to continue to live in that manner and to the legal delimitation and consolidation of the territory which they occupy and inhabit.

The Government of Spain reports that the Indigenous Programme of AECID has continued to promote the full respect of the rights of peoples living in voluntary isolation in the Amazon and Chaco regions and has supported two projects in this area.

The Government of Colombia reports that the Caraballa are the only group considered to be in voluntary isolation. They live within the Parque Nacional Río Puré. The resolution that established the Park ensures that the government will recognize the rights of the caraballo to their land.

The Inter-American Development Bank supports regional efforts to protect the rights of peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact. The Bank is pursuing a programme to create consensus to promote a regional framework for the protection of these peoples.

Six UN agencies in Ecuador supported a regional meeting for teh Amazon and Gran Chaco regions involving experts from Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia to contribute to the establishment of a regional policy on peoples living in voluntary isolation.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 7 (2008)

Area of Work

Human rights