The Permanent Forum recognizes the important interconnections between the Sustainable Development Goals and indigenous languages, as well as the integration of gender equality principles, as described in the Global Action Plan, and proposes that such indicators be included in the post-2030 development agenda to ensure the sustainability of outcomes and the continuity of efforts established by the International Decade. The Permanent Forum recommends that UNESCO and its member States initiate work, with the possible assistance of the Statistical Commission, on indigenous language-related data, with adequate funding to support the post-2030 priorities. The Permanent Forum invites the Indigenous Navigator to offer its tools and data for the global collection of data on indigenous languages.
UNESCO is Coordinating the work to reach the ten targets of the Sustainable Development Goal for education (SDG4 - Education 2030). In preparation of the UN Transforming Education Summit (TES) – Action Track 1 on inclusive, equitable, safe and healthy schools, held in New York in September 2022, UNESCO organized the pre-TES meeting in June 2022 and included the following elements in its discussion paper at the UN TES:
· Transformations of data systems that ensure that data are disaggregated by language, ethnicity and other dimensions to understand the factors that lead to inequity, exclusion and inequality, and the use of these data to allocate resources, including for the most marginalized.
· Changes to curricula and textbooks to be inclusive of all groups and avoid discrimination, including their availability in indigenous and local languages, and available in multiple accessible formats. Review of teacher training curricula to better address inclusive education principles and curriculum differentiation for learners.
· Inclusion in education to transform education systems, and society as a whole, so that they take diversity and the multiplicity of needs into account, respect and value such diversity, and eliminate all forms of discrimination.