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Addressee: United Nations Division of Statistics

Paragraph #80Session #4 (2005)

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Recalling the international expert Workshop on Data Collection and Disaggregation for Indigenous Peoples (see E/C.19/2004/2, for the report thereon), the Forum welcomes the collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division in reviewing national practices in data collection and dissemination in the areas of ethnicity, language and religion and looks forward to the Demographic Yearbook special topic which will include data and analysis relevant to indigenous peoples. The Forum is also pleased to note that data on national and/or ethnic groups are being made available online by the Statistics Division at the following website:

In light of this work, as well as the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Program, the Forum supports the Statistics Division in: (a) continuing its work in reviewing national practices in data collection and dissemination on issues relevant to indigenous peoples; (b) considering the extent to which the revision of the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses can further address national and international data needs by facilitating the collection of data on indigenous peoples; c) Continuing to follow the recommendations of the international expert Workshop on Data Collection and Disaggregation for Indigenous Peoples; (d) Strengthening user-producer consultation in data collection and dissemination efforts


The United Nations Statistics Division is:

(a) Continuing its work in reviewing national practices on collection and dissemination of ethno-cultural characteristices. The focus of the study is to review the types of data being collected and disseminated by different countries, and the types of international activities occuring in support of improved data collection and methodologies. In addition the report on national practices will cover current issues related to the collection and dissemination of ethnocultural statistics.

(b) One of the major activities o the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch has been the coordination of the drafting of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Houscing Censuses revision 1. One of the areas to be updated and reviewed is ethnicity taking into account relevant issues pertaining to indigenous peoples. The experts are drafting the revised section having consulted the Report of the Fourth Session of the Permanent Forum.

Another development has been a website to disseminate data on ethnocultural characteristics and other information relevant to statistics on indigenous people. The website is:

Final Report of UNPFII Session 4 (2005)