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Addressee: WB, African Member States, investor Governments, Private Sector, and IP

Paragraph #30Session #13 (2014)

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The Permanent Forum takes note of the concerns expressed by the African Indigenous Peoples Caucus on the announcement by the World Bank in February 2014 of its intention to map Africa’s mineral resources by using satellites and airborne mineral surveys. The Forum calls upon the World Bank, African Governments, investor Governments and the private sector to disclose information about the “billion-dollar map” project, prior to any intervention and in a transparent manner, and requests that commitments to international norms and standards in relation to the rights of indigenous peoples be recognized and respected. The Forum also recommends that the World Bank involve indigenous peoples’ representatives in the mapping process and that indigenous peoples’ free, prior and informed consent be respected, consistent with articles 19 and 41 of the Declaration.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 13 (2014)