The Government of Finland reports the following:
b) Finland works within the World Intellectual Property organisation WIPO and the EU with a view to updating the international intellectual property conventions and agreements to respond to the demands of contemporary global information society. Finland's aim is to consolidate the right of the indigenous peoples to their intellectual property.
a) Member states of WIPO have expressed unanimous support for directly involving representatives of indigenous and local communities in the intergovernmental committee of WIPO. Indigenous people and other stakeholders continue to explore questions raised by the WIPO Technical Study on Patent Disclosure Requirements related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, prepared at the request of the CBD COP. WIPO Secretariat continues its practice of consulting with interested representatives of indigenous communities on draft documents. At its most recent IGC session, the WIPO intergovernmental committee gave priority to extensive discussions on how to enhance the participation by indigenous and local communities and agreed that sessions of the Committee should be preceded by panel presentations chaired by a representative of an indigenous or local community.
(c)WIPO prepared a Technical Study on Patent Disclosure Requirements related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge at the request of the CBD COP. Following a further invitation from the CBD COP, WIPO is focusing on interrelation of access to genetic resources and disclosure requirements in intellectual property rights applications. WIPO is also developing materials on intellectual property issues in cooperation with the Secretariat of the CBD, including the creation of a public, electronic database about IP provisions in mutually agreed terms.
WIPO considers that the Forum has played a significant role in contributing expertise and experience to its activities and appreciates mutual cooperation between the Forum and WIPO. Member states of WIPO have repeatedly stressed the priority attached to enhancing the participation of the Forum and indigenous representatives in IGC sessions.
OHCHR reports that the Working Group on Indigenous Populations is developing guidelines on the protection and use of the heritage of indigenous peoples, including their traditional knowledge. These draft guidelines are contained in document E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2006/5.