UN-HABITAT reports: 7. In recognising the challenges related to urbanisation and indigenous peoples, at its seventh session the Permanent Forum recommended that urban indigenous issues be given important consideration on the agenda of the fourth session of the World Urban Forum which was held in Nanjing, China, in November 2008, and welcomed thepolicy guides initiative to provide local authorities with guidelines on urban indigenous issues. 8. The draft “Policy Guide to Housing for Indigenous Peoples” was presented and discussed at the fourth session of the World Urban Forum. 9. Based on comments received at the fourth session of the World Urban Forum, UN-HABITAT is finalizing its “Policy Guide to Housing for Indigenous Peoples”, which draw on the 2005 UNHRP report “Indigenous peoples’ right to adequate housing – a global overview” and other existing sources, and plans to present the final draft at the eighth session of the Permanent Forum, and launch the policy guide series. 10. UN-HABITAT is inviting United Nations agencies and member States to support the policy guides initiative in order to provide local authorities with specific guidance on challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in urban areas.