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Addressee: FAO

Paragraph #27Session #14 (2015)

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The Permanent Forum recommends that FAO, in coordination with indigenous peoples, organize training and other capacity-building development, as well as establish mechanisms for engagement such as working groups and appropriate representation of indigenous peoples in relevant instruments and bodies of FAO, and provide a progress report on those activities to the Forum at its fifteenth session.


• FAO’s report to the Permanent Forum’s fifteenth session provides information on their training and capacity building activities, targeting indigenous peoples. These include: i) two regional capacity development programmes on the Voluntary Guidelines of Responsible Governance of the Tenure of Land, Natural Resources and Fisheries (VGGTs) in Central America (Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) and Asia (India and Indonesia). ii) four National capacity development programmes for Indigenous Women Leadership and empowerment together with FIMI (India and Bolivia (2015) and Peru, The Philippines, Paraguay, Panama and El Salvador (2016). The two regional capacity development programmes focused at the Voluntary Guidelines of Responsible Governance of the Tenure of Land, Natural Resources and Fisheries (VGGTs) in Central America and Asia. The two regional capacity development programmes were co-organized with indigenous peoples’ organizations at the regional and national levels.
• In February 2015, Indigenous peoples’ representatives coming from the seven sociocultural regions of the World met in Rome with FAO senior management and experts from the different technical divisions to jointly agree on a four-year working plan. An informal caucus of seven indigenous peoples agreed to monitor the implementation of this joint plan.
• In 2015 for the first time in FAO, an indigenous peoples’ organization became a member of the Steering Committee for the International Year of Soils, thus bringing the expertise and views of indigenous peoples in soil management and soil creation. The Civil Society Mechanism representing the voices of different caucuses in the World Committee of Food Security, appointed two indigenous peoples as members of the Advisory group.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 14 (2015)

Area of Work
