In Bolivia, UNFPA is carrying out a number of activities on improving sexual and reproductive health of indigenous people within the framework of a law on education reform. In Guatemala, UNFPA has been working to improve the reproductive health of indigenous populations. It has supported the Ministry of Public Health in the implementation of a national program aimed at providing indigenous people with information and services so that they may exercise their reproductive rights and voluntarily decide on the number of children they wish to have. In Mexico, from 1997-2001, UNFPA worked in 308 municipalities of five states (Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Oaxaca and Puebla) which were characterized by th ewors sociodemographic and reproductive health indicators and trends. During that period, an estimated 2 million indigenous personse benefited from UNFPA projects, mainly those that sought to improve access to quality, socioculturally and linguistically relevant reproductive health information and services. Trhough 2002-2006 the coverage of the programs were extended to eight states. In Panama, UNFPA promoted and assisted the Government and an indigenous women's association in the implementation of a five-year project aimed at improving access to quality information, education and services in the area of sexual and reproductive health. Please see E/C.19/2006/6/Add.7 for more details. ECLAC Reports (2010): En el marco del Plan de trabajo CEPAL-UNFPA, y con el apoyo de AECI, bajo el proyecto “Promoción de la salud materna desde un enfoque de salud intercultural y de derechos: fortalecimiento del conocimiento y sistemas de información”, se está desarrollando una Guía para la construcción de indicadores de salud reproductiva bajo el alero de los derechos individuales y colectivos de mujeres y pueblos indígenas. A la fecha se ha elaborado el marco conceptual para la definición de indicadores, cuyo desarrollo estuvo a cargo de una experta indígena. Se prevé la finalización de la Guía durante el año 2010, la cual será sometida a procesos de consulta y validación por expertos indígenas.