• The Secretariat of PFII established contacts between FAO and the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the UN who have been working on this recommendation together. In this regard, FAO pointed out that some countries of Asia, Europe and Africa could support the proposal for an Int. Year of nomadic pastoralist, which could include the camelids from the Andean countries.
• According to FAO’s Policy on Proclamation and Implementation of International Years, adopted by the FAO Council in June 2012, two important aspects have been emphasized related to the timing: “There should be an interval of at least two years between two International Years, and a longer interval between years concerning similar subjects” and “In general, there should be a period of two years between the proclamation and the beginning of an International Year” - and the requirement and the financial requirements: “An International Year will not be proclaimed unless full financing (which in principle should be based on voluntary contributions) and all organizational arrangements are confirmed”. 2016 has been proclaimed Year of Pulses. Furthermore, the 39th Session of the FAO Conference welcomed the announcement by Finland that it would propose the establishment of an International Year of Plant Health in 2020.
• As for a possible following steps FAO suggested that a member of the FAO Council made a proposal to include this matter on the Provisional Agenda of the 154th Session of Council (30 May-3 June 2016). The 154th Session of Council would then deliberate on the proposal to establish the international year and may then request that a draft resolution be submitted to the 40th Session of Conference (3-8 July 2017) for decision.