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Addressee: Member States, Donor Agencies

Paragraph #26Session #6 (2007)

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The Permanent Forum recommends that Governments, bilateral and multilateral donor and development agencies and other development partners responsible for or assisting in the implementation of sectoral strategies or other programmes affecting lands owned, occupied or otherwise used by indigenous peoples review the consistency of such strategies and programmes with internationally recognized standards for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and the impact of such strategies and programmes on indigenous communities and report to the Permanent Forum at its seventh session in 2008 on the results of these reviews and on any strategies adopted to address the challenges they might identify.


In Spain on July 2007, a study/report was undertaken on the implications for Agency policies resulting from the ratification of Convention No. 169. It aims to provide guidance for the amendments to be made to these policies in order to bring their content into line with the Convention. The study is based on the public policies in force in Spain, especially in the education, tourism, health, culture, trade and environmental sectors. It is also based on case law developed by the ILO pursuant to complaints received and reports completed. The consistency of indigenous-related strategies with international standards is therefore being reviewed in accordance with paragraph 26 of the report on the Forum’s sixth session.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 6 (2007)

Area of Work

Human rights