Finland reports (2010): In connection of corporate compliance with relevant laws and standards, Finland supports the objective of preventing problems in advance, for example, through corporate, operational-level grievance mechanisms.
In November 2009, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy published a compact leaflet targeted at Finnish enterprises and multinational companies, in particular to raise their awareness about the international guidelines and declarations of OECD, UN Global Compact and ILO, mentioned above under Recommendation 15, guide enterprises to behave responsibly and to respect the human rights of all individuals.
Spain reports (E/C.19/2010/12/Add.9) that it is conscious of the difficulties involved in establishing forums for dialogue and awareness-raising with the private sector. Nevertheless, the Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation 2009-2012 seeks to associate enterprises with international
development cooperation by promoting public-private partnerships for development as one of the ways of involving them in cooperation through greater collaboration
between them and the public sector. Compliance with national and international standards is promoted through such mechanisms.