WIPO: References to the UNDRIP are included in the documentation of the IGC and, particularly in the most recent versions of the draft negotiating texts on the protection of traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) & made in publications Promote and Protect Your Culture: A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and Documenting Traditional Knowledge – a Toolkit.
Article 31: provides training, mentoring, and information resources, that aim to enable indigenous peoples to make more effective use of intellectual property principles and tools in order to prevent the misappropriation of TK and TCEs, protect them for the indigenous peoples’ own benefit and in support of their entrepreneurship.
supports the implementation of the SDGs through a range of activities that address intellectual property issues related to benefit-sharing in GRs and the protection of TK and TCEs. WIPO’s work in relation to TK, TCEs and GRs contributes inter alia to SDGs 2, 3, 4, 8, 14 and 15 as identified in the WIPO Program and Budget 2020 – 2021.
An animation - The Adventures of the Yakuanoi Navigating Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property – features the Yakuanoi, a fictional indigenous people that successfully explores issues and opportunities that arise when its TK interacts with intellectual property --> translated into several indigenous languages under the WIPO’s Open Access Policy.
WIPO Secretariat has continued providing expertise on intellectual property issues that use and documentation of TK may raise in the development of the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform.