As of January 2012, SPFII held trainings on indigenous issues for UN Country Teams, government officials and indigenous peoples, in Bolivia, Ecuador, Nepal, Cambodia, Guyana, Congo Brazzaville, Argentina, the Philippines, Central African Republic. This was as part of the roll-out of the UNDG Guidelines on indigenous peoples. OHCHR reported that a representative from the Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section participated as a resource person along with ILO and SPFII in a training for the UN Country Team in the Republic of Congo on indigenous peoples’ issues. The training was organized by UNCT Office – UNICEF and the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in November 2011. This was part of the roll-out of the UNDG Guidelines on indigenous peoples and in response to recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples following its visit to the country.