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Addressee: UN entities

Paragraph #99Session #21 (2022)

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The Permanent Forum requests United Nations entities, in particular those working on land tenure and changes in land use, to advance the research on securing the land and territorial rights of indigenous peoples, taking into account the negative impacts of, inter alia, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic and regional conflicts.



IFAD participated in the event Protecting land, protecting food – Indigenous and local women as stewards of land and food sovereignty during COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs) and Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) In 2022, IFAD approved 7 COSOPs and CSNs23 that include IPs’ issues and/or specifically target IPs.

The COSOP for Burundi prioritizes actions to facilitate access to assets for the most vulnerable, including promoting access to land for Batwa people, the indigenous group present in Burundi.

Similarly, in the new COSOP for Cambodia, the SECAP (Social, Environmental, and Climate Assessment Procedures) provides an overview of IPs and minority groups in the country, including the major challenges they face in connection with the non-recognition of land rights and their inclusion in the decision-making process – page 10.

IFAD aims to strengthen its historical role as champion of IP’s rights in the UN system with its updated Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (hereafter referred to as the Policy)…

The Policy takes into full consideration the need to promote the rights of IPs to lands, territories and resources through an integrated approach to economic, environmental and social development within a human rights framework.  Also, the Policy builds on the Fund’s comparative advantage in climate change adaptation and its unique mandate to eradicate poverty in rural areas. – page 12.


IFAD Questionnaire to the UN system agencies, funds and programmes and intergovernmental organizations.



 The FAO – IFAD joint initiative “GeoTech4Tenure” is developing a module that will ensure the application of FPIC principles and the protection of Indigenous Peoples rights over lands, territories and natural resources in combination with geotechnologies for securing tenure rights. – page 9.

 A study on the role of Collective rights in protecting land, territories, biodiversity and contribute to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa called “Study on Collective Tenure Rights and Climate Change. What Are Priority Investments in Rights for Africa to achieve long-term Sustainability of Forest Areas?” has been launched by the FAO Land tenure Team and FAO Investment Centre to expand the knowledge on collective rights as follow up to the FAO/FILAC study launched in 2021 for Latin America. The study will be finalized in early 2023. – page 13.

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT) were translated into four Indigenous languages in India (Sadri, Kurux, Santhali and Gondi) and presented in the framework of the 10th Anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT). The FAO Land Tenure Unit and the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit established a workstream to promote the recognition and protection of Indigenous Peoples' tenure rights – page 13.

The policy brief “COVID-19, land, natural resources, gender issues and Indigenous Peoples' rights in Asia”, prepared by FAO and OHCHR, raises awareness about Indigenous Peoples rights in Asia, as a pathway for sustainable and equitable social-economic development that leaves no one behind. It was presented in the side event Indigenous Peoples, Gender and Natural Resources Rights in the Context of COVID-19: Trends and experiences from the Ground for Building Back Better, hosted by FAO, OHCHR and the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, in the framework of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development. – page 13.

 A new White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ mobile livelihoods and collective rights to their territories, lands, waters, and natural resources is being coordinated by the Global-Hub and Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems, with the support of FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit, and with the contributions of Indigenous Peoples across the seven socio-cultural regions. The new policy paper will highlight the importance of securing collective rights to land, territories, water and natural resources for Indigenous Peoples’ food security and livelihoods, and their fundamental roles in biodiversity conservation and climate resilience. The paper will be essential for that Indigenous Peoples’ voices, expertise, knowledge systems and recommendations are further included in the conservation, climate change and food security global discussions. – page 24.

 A draft legislative study that presents an analysis of collective rights legislation worldwide with the aim of contributing from a legal perspective to the technical policy paper on Indigenous Peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources has been developed by the FAO Legal Office with Indigenous Peoples representatives. Along with the legislative study, a legal brief and a legal assessment tool for decision-makers, legislators, and legal advocates will be delivered. Therefore, it will be an input for the new White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ mobile livelihoods and collective rights to their territories, lands, waters, and natural resources. – page 24.

 A study on the role of Collective rights in protecting land, territories, biodiversity and contribute to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa called “Study on Collective Tenure Rights and Climate Change. What Are Priority Investments in Rights for Africa to achieve long-term Sustainability of Forest Areas?” has been launched by the FAO Land tenure Team and FAO Investment Centre to expand the knowledge on collective rights as follow up to the FAO/FILAC study launched in 2021 for Latin America. The study will be finalized in early 2023 – page 24.


FAO Contributions to the Report of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Twenty-Second Session, 2023


Final Report of UNPFII Session 21 (2022)