Calling attention to the high rates of suicide among indigenous youth in some countries, the Permanent Forum reiterates its call for States and relevant national aboriginal health bodies to convene a meeting to assess the root causes of indigenous youth suicide and to formulate preventive strategies. The Forum reiterates its call on UNICEF and WHO to convene a meeting on youth suicide.
UNICEF Reports (2010): UNICEF Latin America has developed terms of reference to undertake a study on the high rates of indigenous adolescent suicide in particular indigenous peoples and countries in Latin America. The study will be completed in 2010. UNICEF reports (2011): UNICEF’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean is currently conducting a study on adolescent suicide with case studies from Brazil, Colombia and Peru. While the study will be finalized in the first quarter of 2011, preliminary results show that the change of family patterns from extended to nuclear family, the loss of indigenous territories, and discrimination have a major impact on the decision of adolescents to commit suicide. The study makes a series of policy recommendations which will be widely disseminated. E/C.19/2011/7